Twenty New Management Styles


thought i would add some "fillers" in my blog.... nothing much happening... wanted to make some new updates in the blog... hence these... guess i'm on my way up into the management...


Twenty New Management Styles

1) MANAGING BY WALKING FASTER THEN THE EMPLOYEESThese kind of managers you will always see in the corridor, ten steps away. "We'll have to talk" you can hear them say, just as they have disappeared around the corner.
2) MANAGING BY STARING OUT OF THE WINDOWThese managers you usually meet with their backside faced to you with their hands in their pockets. When you talk to them, their thoughts keep staring out of the windows.
3) MANAGING BY POST-IT'SSome managers forget everything. They want to impress you with their 'busy'ness by continuously writing on Post-it's while you are talking.
4) MANAGING BY DELEGATION TO THE SECRETARYThese managers just delegate everything to the secretary. If He is good, He knows what she must do.
5) MANAGING BY KNOWING NOTHINGThese managers don't really know anything at all. They let YOU give answers. Meanwhile they fill the time with nice anecdotes of irrelevant cases.
6) MANAGING BY CONCEPTUAL THINKINGThese people try to explain the present from a theoretical view of the far future. The idea that this never will work, completely satisfies them: They will always have something to talk about.
7) MANAGING BY HIDING INFORMATIONInformation hiders are aware of the market value of strictly secret kept information. You must be very thankful to get any information at all. Beware of simulants from category 5!
8) MANAGING BY DOING EXACTLY WHAT THE BOSS SAYSThese managers prevent their bosses from creative thinking. Else they got more work to do.
9) MANAGING BY WALKING ONE FOOT BEHIND THE BOSSIn hierarchical organizations you can watch those groups walking in the corridor. The more equal managers are directly followed by the lesser equal managers, and so on.
10) MANAGING BY SMILING AND WEARING NICE SUITSIf you drink beer with them, lunch with them, smile to them and also wear nice suits, nothing can stop your career anymore.
11) MANAGING BY STUDYINGDespite their continual attendances of all kind of studies and congresses, they still belong to category 5. The longer they learn, the further they get fromthe practice.
12) MANAGING BY CREATING VAGUE OVERHEAD SHEETSDo you know them? Those sheets with some big arrows, boxes or circles? These sheets provide the ultimate proof of their overall brilliance.
13) MANAGING BY OPEN DOOR AND EMPTY ROOMThis is a major improvement of the older 'OPEN DOOR' management style. Now you can really walk in and out anytime you want. Nobody ever knows where these managers are.
14) MANAGING BY SPEAKING WITH OTHER MANAGERSThis kind of managing is very popular. It will give them within a few hours the same information as an employee can tell them in 15 minutes.
15) MANAGING BY HAVING A NON SUPPORTING INFRASTRUCTUREIn an organization with a hopeless infrastructure, managers are really necessary. These managers will naturally prevent the organization from having a better infrastructure.
16) BUA MANAGEMENT ( BY USING ABBREVIATIONS )This management style is ATRASACWOC. ( Adopted To Reach A Shorter And Clearer Way Of Communication )
17) MANAGING BY USING BUZZ WORDSThese managers like to bluff your head off with hip, nearly undefined, terms.
18) MANAGING BY REORGANIZATIONIf they think there is nothing more to organize, they reorganize.
19) MANAGING BY BELIEVINGThese managers must be spiritual educated, because they have no clues at all.
20) MANAGING BY FORGETTING PROMISESIf you remind them to one of their promisses, the priority of that promise is to low to remember.

Top 20 Management Terminologies

A NUMBER OF DIFFERENT APPROACHES ARE BEING TRIED - We are still pissing in the wind.
EXTENSIVE REPORT IS BEING PREPARED ON A FRESH APPROACH TO THE PROBLEM - We just hired three kids fresh out of college.
CLOSE PROJECT COORDINATION - We know who to blame.
MAJOR TECHNOLOGICAL BREAKTHROUGH - It works OK, but looks very hi-tech.
CUSTOMER SATISFACTION IS DELIVERED ASSURED - We are so far behind schedule the customer is happy to get it delivered.
PRELIMINARY OPERATIONAL TESTS WERE INCONCLUSIVE - The darn thing blew up when we threw the switch.
TEST RESULTS WERE EXTREMELY GRATIFYING - We are so surprised that the stupid thing works.
THE ENTIRE CONCEPT WILL HAVE TO BE ABANDONED - The only person who understood the thing quit.
IT IS IN THE PROCESS - It is so wrapped up in red tape that the situation is about hopeless.
WE WILL LOOK INTO IT - Forget it! We have enough problems for now.
PLEASE NOTE AND INITIAL - Let's spread the responsibility for the screw up.
GIVE US THE BENEFIT OF YOUR THINKING - We'll listen to what you have to say as long as it doesn't interfere with what we've already done.
GIVE US YOUR INTERPRETATION - I can't wait to hear this bull!
SEE ME or LET'S DISCUSS - Come into my office, I'm lonely.
ALL NEW - Not interchangeable with the previous design.
YEARS OF DEVELOPMENT - It finally worked!
LOW MAINTENANCE - Impossible to fix if broken.
ITS IN TESTING RIGHT NOW- we have no idea how to do this.
WE ARE USING FOCUS GROUPS EXTENSIVELY- Maybe they know how its done.
OUR ONLY OPTION IS TO REENGENEER THE PROCESS- How else can we justify firing most of the existing staff without looking like complete idiots.


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