Television Commercial

From the earliest days of the medium, television has been used as a vehicle for advertising in some countries. In India, since their inception in the late 1970s, television commercials have become by far the most effective, most pervasive, and most popular method of selling products of all sorts. The radio advertising and print advertising industries were well-established when television made its debut in the late70s and early 80s.

Doordarshan being the sole service provider had a monopoly on the content and relay. The programs, mostly - on development, social, and with a few commercial serials. These brief commercial serials had "breaks" that interrupt shows regularly - which are the primary reason for the existence of modern-day television networks. Soon with the Govt. rules in broadcasting industry relaxed, more players entered, starting the early 90s.

A typical 30-minute time block includes 23 minutes of programming and 7 minutes of commercials (though some half-hour blocks may have as much as 12 minutes of commercials). The programming is intended as a way to capture the attention of the audience, keeping the viewers glued to the television set so that they will not want to get up and change the channel; instead, they will (hopefully) watch the commercials while waiting for the next segment of the show. Entire industries exist that focus solely on the task of keeping the viewing audience interested enough to sit through commercials. There are TRP ratings system exists as a way for stations to determine how successful their television shows are, so that they can decide what rates to charge advertisers for their commercial airtime.

Commercials take airtime away from programmes. In the early days of television in India, the serials used to run longer with less of commercials... but today a similar program will have less of airtime for itself and more for commericials...

The TV commercial is generally considered the most effective mass-market advertising format, and this is reflected by the high prices TV networks charge for commercial airtime during popular TV events. Today Cricket and its players in India are known as much for its commercial advertisements as for the game itself.

Because a single television commercial can be broadcast repeatedly over the course of weeks, or months television commercial production studios often spend enormous sums of money in the production of one single thirty-second television spot. This vast expenditure has resulted in a number of high-quality commercials, ones which boast of the best production values, the latest in special effects technology, the most popular personalities, and the best music. A number of television commercials are so elaborately produced that they can considered miniature sixty-second movies; indeed, many film directors have directed television commercials both as a way to gain exposure and to earn a paycheck.

Many television commercials feature catchy jingles (songs or melodies) or catch-phrases that generate sustained appeal, which may remain in the minds of television viewers long after the span of the advertising campaign. Some of these ad jingles or catch-phrases may take on lives of their own, spawning gags or "riffs" that may appear in other forms of media, such as comedy movies or television variety shows, or in written media, such as magazine comics or literature.

Different types of TV commercials

Product placement

Today in the 21st century, media critics claim that the boundaries between "programming" and "commercials" have been eroded to the point where the line is blurred nearly as much as it was during the beginnings of the medium.

However, the vast majority of television commercials consist of brief advertising spots, ranging in length from a few seconds to several minutes (as well as program-length infomercials). Commercials of this sort have been used to sell literally every product imaginable over the years, from household products to goods and services, to political campaigns. The effect of television upon the viewing public has been so successful and so pervasive that it is considered impossible for a politician (incumbant) to wage a successful election campaign without going on air.

The future of TV commercials - The advent of technologies such as TiVo has caused much speculation Abroad. Closer home it is all about soon to come Settop boxes and DTH, which will localize the commercials that will be broadcasted.




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