Manage- Mentally 4

You have come a long way, babe.

(I write this article looking at the number of high incidence of female births in this generation. I have 2 nieces and most of my friends are now proud parents to baby girls… hmmm… looks like it is going to be Women Power in the future)

Circa 3345 AI (AI – Stands for After Internet; ‘inspired’ by Aldus Huxley – AF: After Ford)

Mumbai, India: It is almost midnight and there are a few men hurrying to reach home. A few drunken women walk out of the bar laughing aloud. The men hurry faster towards the tube to catch the next local. The ‘Newspods’ -(no jokes here – I’m sure that in the future the news will be transmitted to you every day/hour to your newspods, which can be Wi-Fi connected to your computer, TV, Audio, or special LCD screens - the size and weight of an ordinary newspaper – Author) daily carry news about the male abuses submitted upon the meeker sex.

London: 18 men have been arrested and put behind bars for 1 year. Their crime – had been masturbating secretly. UK has strict laws with regard to wastage of sperms as their male population is scarce. All the eligible men are fitted with micro-analyzers that transmit their ejaculation status. UK, unlike its other European counterparts do not believe in technological advancements in reproduction, and still relies on POTS (no, no,… it does not stand for Plain Old Telephone System; but, Plain Old Tedious Sex)

New York: 6 women are killed and 10 injured in a deadly gang war. Police say that the fight erupted between the 2 groups after when one member of the group tried to molest the brother of a member of the other girls group.

L'Institut d'Habilitation FĂ©minine, Paris: The scientists are on a breakthrough research. They are finding a way of changing the reproduction mechanism in a female. Anthropoids usually reproduce by intercourse. Now the scientists are working to change the sexual metabolism so that females can reproduce without any physical intercourse. Though there is ban against such research, a lot of Women Organizations across the world secretly fund it.

Tokyo, Japan: Expectant parents are now paying extra monies at private clinics to have their children’s sex changed, while in the fetus stage. This has become a big time business in Japan and other far-east countries.

Kinshasa, DR Congo: Africa, the last bastion of Male dominance. Due to regress in development and technology, for many years there were female feticides. Today, Africa has become the ‘out-sourcing’ capital for sperms. Almost 40% of world’s sperm demands are met by African countries. You can say that the men here are ‘milked’ out properly, and ‘call-boys’ have to work pretty late into the night (no pun intended to any Outsourcers).
Indian Television:

Some of the famous soap operas in this century are:

ZDK: Zindagi Damaad Ki (Life of a Son-in-Law)
KSBKDT: Kyonki Sasur bhi kabhi Damaad Tha (..because, Father-in-law was also a Son-in-law)
The Meek and The Handsome
Zeda – The Warrior Prince, et al

The movies are multi starred – with handsome hunks being wooed by bold and deadly females. A typical storyline of a Bollywood movie is – 2 females separated at birth; one grows up to become a cop and the other a gangster. They both love the same guy, and they get together to kill the villain (of course, a female), and in the process the bad girl is killed and the good girl gets the guy…. We some stories work on the simple philosophy of ctrl C, ctrl V, ctrl H, etc… (Guys familiar with MS Word will understand)

However, there are some things the will remain unchanged – A female still will cry for no reason. They still will talk and talk for hours before they get to the point. And they still like guys getting them roses. AND GUYS STILL KEEP THINKING ABOUT SEX.

Truly, you have come a long way, babe… but some things rarely change.

- The End.


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