Its all about CAMA


It has been a while since I increased the bytes in my blog. I shall blame it on something called writer’s block. Well, this time around the block has been too big, way too big. I have been working on breaking this block, but did not find enough gelatin sticks.

Every writer, worth his salt, goes through this period of block… the key to overcome this is to hit the keyboard hard. Usually, most of us tend to use the ‘Backspace’ or the ‘Delete’ keys a lot, during this phase.

Well, the other day someone asked me, how to make a kickass online campaign. It made me wonder, on what would be the ingredients to make a great online campaign.

CAMA. That is the solution. Creative + Account + Media + Analysis

Let us be frank, everyone talks about a great creative. Especially when you are online, it is a great creative that will entice you towards what you need to communicate. Unlike the creatives of other media, on the online space, the creative can be interactive. You could have your creative placed on someone free email inbox, calling out the person by name – yeah, it would be a kickass of a creative. And of course, a great creative will win you awards 


In the evolution of any ad campaign online or offline, it is the Account/ client serving team that acts as a mid wife. The success of the birth of any campaign, would depend upon them. Accept the fact, all you advertising guys, that the prime obstacle, is selling the concept to the client, and THEN to the consumers

The abundance of websites, makes it very hard job for any media planner to make the optimum use of the ad budgets he needs to spend online. From the ubiquitous Google networks to niche sites, to blogs to networking sites, the choices are many. Where we reach them, when we reach them, and how we reach them are all the more important to make an effective campaign. The great creative your client had approved, shall go like the ship in the dark if it is not placed properly.

Online campaigns are more evolved that other media. The ads can be tracked, and monitored on realtime basis. The creative units can be shuffled across and frequency capped to give the client the best ROI.

Each of the CAMA bit is a topic onto itself. There are ways and means that these can be achieved.

While I look out for means and ways to break my writer’s block, you all have a great time



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