Some thoughts on an Ideal website

It should be unique and memorable

Pleasing to customer

To build better customer relationship & create new value propositions

To deliver end-to-end services

To meet customers’ priorities, not only today, but tomorrow as well future demands

To match customer most important priorities

To make purchase process convenient & at low cost

To use built-to-order business model

It should be vigilant and learn to priorities constantly changing environment

Site should not only just add value, but also invent new traditional value-chain thinking

Site should have service excellence, operational excellence & continues innovation excellence

The objective is of the agency/ design house will be -
To succeed, focus on our design
Then put a lot resource behind it
Basic functionality should be in process at the 10% growth / day
Minimum quality threshold
In-house research
Reliability, low cost, steady improvement risk averse
Support to each other
Convenient interaction
Acquisition of new ideas
High quality, embracing risk
To outsource as little as possible
Changing the rules of the game
Relationship making, end-to-end process effectiveness
Customized solution
Market education
Our values
Constantly delight customer


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