I-Cube report 2008

I-Cube is one of the most exhaustive reports available on the Indian Internet Market, which covers information areas like Internet usage amongst the households, Internet usage amongst businesses, Broadband status of the Indian market, content preferences, cross media consumption, public access, and online entertainment

A Snapshot of the report

I-Cube 2008: Internet usage in Indian households report offers interesting insights on the emerging pattern of Internet usage among Indian families. The report reflects on the Internet penetration rates as well as the characteristics of these families in terms of disparate profiles and affluence levels.

Signaling a gradual growth, the total Internet population of India for the year 2008 stands strongly at 55.5 million users.

India's urban Internet population has grown by 19% to reach 50 million (all India estimate) compared to 42 million in 2007. Of these 50 million Internet users (urban), 36.5 million are 'active users' who log on to the Internet at least once a month, while the remaining 13.5 million falls under the 'claimed' user category - meaning they have not used Internet in last one month but have used the medium before.

Rapid improvements in the telecommunication infrastructure and bandwidth speed has played significant role in the growth of internet users. Though higher-income group are the major contributors to Internet population, adoption in lower-income group is undergoing a steady change. As evident from our research, the Internet user population in SEC C, D&E contributes 32%.

On an average, about 4.24 million active users (urban: 30 cities) are logged on to the Internet daily. "Young Men" in the age group of 21 to 35 form 30.2% of the total active internet users. On an average, an Indian Internet user actively uses the Internet for 9 hrs per week.

Communication and Information search are the prime rationale for accessing Internet. Online communication modes "E-mail"-91%, "Text Chat"-47% and "Internet Telephony/Video Chat/Voice Chat"-13%, constitutes high percentage in overall Internet usage. However, a sizeable jump among all activities undertaken online has been witnessed in online gaming.

The rural Internet population is estimated to be 5.5 million (all India estimate) with the penetration rate of 0.6%. Of these 5.5 million Internet users (rural), 3.3 million are 'active users', while 2.2 million are in 'claimed' user category. Across India, southern states have shown to have higher Internet penetration in rural areas.

For more information visit http://www.researchandmarkets.com/research/8ee2a5/icube_2008_inter




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