Digital Marketing - 2012

One good thing about writing about future trends is that no one has been there. If you are wrong, nobody notices; and if you are right, you could tom-tom about it, saying, ‘I said so…’

So, here I go with my 4 safe bets for the year::
1) Facebook will become more Google
2) Google will become more Facebook
3) Year of engagement (likeable and shareable)
4) Convergence – One content, many formats

Facebook will become more Google:

Even today, advertisement revenues happen to be lifeline for most online platforms. The success of the Google PPC campaigns is based on the ability to place preferred advertisement, with high relevancy. This Google business model hinges on its algorithm. Be it the ubiquitous search results or their adwords, it all is possible because of the logic that is build basis the data.
Advertising on Facebook has so far been on the basis of the user profile. But, unlike the profile, which becomes mostly static (as most people do not update it after creating it)…. The user habits and interests are dynamic. For marketers and advertiser reaching the user basis his current interest and habit gives more bang for the buck, and hence it becomes imperative for Facebook to offer such facility to the advertiser soon

Google will become more Facebook:

Did you know it took just about 2 weeks for Google+ to reach 10 Million users. Till about few years back, seeking and searching for information were one of the biggest activities online. Today it is all about socializing. Search engines results based just on just mathematical calculations will not be enough. It is people’s judgment on how relevant or important the piece of information is becomes very crucial. Search with a human element becomes crucial for Google’s success.

Year of Engagement:

If the 2 most powerful online players give importance to content that is engaging (relevancy in case of Facebook and engaging in case of Google), then others would follow. Content creators who have been so far creating content that are pretty static in nature, would now need to create content that are likeable and shareable. This would mean content that is customized (to some extent) to the reader


Taking off from where the last point ended, the content would not only need to be customized (to an extent), but would depend on the preferred format the user want to consume the content. This would mean that the same content would not only be in text, pictures, video, audio formats, but also could be embedded in a game. It source of access could be web-pages, mobile applications, or QR codes

Like all predictions, the above too are vague but seemingly relevant. Let me know what you think about my predictions. Also look forward to hear about your predictions



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madhavi said…
I have been through the whole content of this blog which is very informative and knowledgeable stuff,
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