Touchscreen Television

Now a days I learn more by watching my 16 months old kid… There are 2 things he loves to play with – My Blackberry and MacBook Air. In fact, he loves these 2 things much more than his toys. Every time he sees this, he would want me to give it to him… and ahem, sometimes I do

He finds the touchscreen functionality on my phone intriguing… he can go on for hours just pressing the screen and waiting for some response to happen. Now, I think he believes that any screen is touchscreen. Whenever the television is on, he would run to it to touch the screen.

This habit of his got me thinking of weaving in the content and real time user interaction. The technology is out there and it is only a matter of time before it becomes a regular feature. How it might work especially on a popular medium like television:

Gamification of content:

Instead of following a single common sequence of event in a plot, the content would be tweaked basis the user interaction. Similar to a game, of achieving the end objective, here the sequence of events in the content (story) would change as per the user interaction on the screen

Interactive in-placement of products:

For marketers, it would be a dream option to feature their products inside the story and an opportunity given to the customer to know more and respond to the product placement. Say for example, the scene is about a purchase of a television and at that point of time, the user has the opportunity to touch the product and get more information about the product, get an email of the product brochure, or maybe even buy/book the product

Interactive Advertisements:

A natural extension of interaction on commercials through touchscreen TV would be to drive action. Be it liking the product, following it on Social Media, sharing, buying, more information, etc…anything is possible. A convincing TV commercial could have direct sale/business impact. Say if it is a car commercial, the user has the option of booking a test drive at a touch of the screen. Simple and effective

Cross-pollination of content:

Another feature touchscreen TV’s can drive is cross-pollination of content. In the current format, each and every story is a self-container. The stories are in a silo with little or no opportunity to synergise with other stories or content within or outside the channel. With interactive television, cross-pollination of content would be feasible…. A story could unfold with snippets or bits of content from various other sources/stories and get seamlessly integrated into the plot…maybe FRIENDS meeting up with Desperate Housewives J

Yes, I strongly believe that in the future the technology would have a huge impact and the medium would drive the message/story




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