Why blog

It was almost a decade back, when I posted my first blog. In these 10 years, I created, I copied, I re-created content on various topics that appealed me at that given point of time.. Sometimes, I blogged prolifically, sometimes I just forgot that I had a blog... but i persisted, though not consistently.

Social Media scenario has had a sea change since the time the blogging platforms came into being and was in Vogue. Call me an old school social media guy, but I think blogs are still very relevant in today’s world. Here are some random points on why one should blog

  • Point of view best explained: No character limit, and no random updates that will push your post down in seconds. You can give your opinion and justify the same in a single post. People are still captivated by stories, and best stories have a set-up, plot, characters, and an end
  • People will know you better: The more you speak, the more people will know about you.
  • Someone somewhere is seeking the same information you blog
  • teaches you the importance of being regular and prompt:
  • Helps you learn more
  • Helps you discover yourself

...and many more reasons




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