What you can learn about Digital Marketing from Kung Fu Panda

Thanks to my two and half year kid, I’ve now watched Kung Fu Panda so many times that I’ve lost count. At first I watched, for the pleasure of watching my kid’s happiness when he watched the movie; Then the more I watched the movie, the more I learnt. I learnt about the finer detailing of the animation, I learnt about the meanings of the dialogue (in the larger sense), I learnt about the different styles of Kung Fu as represented by the ‘Furious Five’. Of late, I realized that this movie can teach a lot of things to marketing guys like me about our professional life and career

Po - The Kung Fu Panda:

One thing that is evident, is that the hero of the movie is well informed, theoretically speaking :). This is clearly evident from the scene where he enters the Hall of Warriors and the knowledge he has about the items on display, and the Wuxi hold of Shifu, etc. However, when it comes to execution of Kung Fu he is found wanting. In fact, he tries to avoid executing (practicing) Kung Fu because deep in his heart, he has a doubt about his abilities to be the best.

He is also an adventurous dreamer, who dreams about being an hero, but lives most of his life in the noodle shop.

I guess, the same is the life of many digital marketers - they dream about doing something spectacular in the digital space, but end up doing the mundane stuff on a daily basis. Also, their theoretical knowledge is great (from all the videos, blogs and articles they consume on regular basis)...but when it comes to execution, they shy away - mostly for the want of belief or maybe due to the fear of failing

The Furious Five:
Each of the Furious Five specializes in a distinctive style of Kung Fu. Similarly, in Digital Marketing, you can find warriors who specialize in a specific style like - Social Media, Search Marketing, Paid Media, Mobile Marketing, and finally the Technologist (open source, HTML 5, responsive, digital OOH, etc)

Some random quotes and their relevance:

Oogway: There are no accidents 

This oft repeated quote (Thrice, to go by Master Shifu) in Kung Fu Panda is a classic response to people who attribute the success of a viral marketing campaign to chance. Hindsight bias would show that there are factors that influence the success of any viral campaign...the question is, were those factors considered or not, while planning the campaign.

Oogway: My friend, the panda will never fulfill his destiny, nor you yours until you let go of the illusion of control.

Especially, when it comes to social media marketing, brand managers do need to let go the illusion of control; for brands exists in the consumer’s mind. Any brand, to fulfill its destiny and realize its true potential, can happen only if their owners and managers let go the control

Po: Nope. I figured it out (The Wuxi Finger Hold)

Nobody can ‘teach’ you digital marketing. It is an evolving space with technology playing a major role.... The best way you can learn to be a digital marketing expert is by figuring it out oneself

Po: There is no secret ingredient

There is no secret ingredient in digital marketing. It is the plain old marketing principles, and common sense that works. 

You don’t belong here...

Most digital marketing experts (especially agency folks) would get to face situations that makes them feel that they don’t belong - Never invited for planning or creative brainstorming sessions, not part of the initial client briefing, always the last to present their bit during a presentation, etc.... Everyone living in the Jade Palace would say, ‘you don’t belong here’... but the idea is never to quit. Always bounce back - because you are special :)

Oogway: You must believe

Whether it is your client's campaign, or a new initiative, or even your career opportunity in digital marketing... You must believe that you can make an impact & you can do it... It eventually shows!

I could go on, and on in terms of how every bit of this movie can inspire all who are associated with digital marketing. I’m sure, you too have your take on the same. Please do let me know about it

Remember - You are THE Big Fat Kung Fu Panda!

Image: http://ninjahattorigame.com/category/kung-fu-panda-cartoons/
Reference: http://kungfupanda.wikia.com/wiki/Kung_Fu_Panda_Wiki


mycysphere said…
My Random thoughts and observations

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