For God's sake! I'm not a 3 year old with a credit card

Dear Remarketers,

You have been one of the early adopters of this technology innovation in media - Remarketing. It is wonderful to see that 'performance' metrics drives your online campaign. As a digital marketer it is heartening for me to note that more and more of you are joining this band-wagon.

Here is what I've experienced over the past couple of weeks. I was searching online couple of toys for my 3 year old son. After the necessary search and browsing, I zeroed on and the purchased items on the Amazon of India - FlipKart. Now I get bombarded by remarketing messages from FlipKart on the same toys (and another one which I browsed, but did not buy). Why? No clue. For God's sake!  I'm not a 3 year old with a credit card

It should have been a simpler story for the website: I came, I saw, I bought. End of story. In case you still want to engage with me, go for sequels or with 'what-if' scenarios..but stop following me with non-relevant messages

As a digital rainmaker, here is what I say about remarketing. There are 3 parts to it:

1. Cookies/Code
2. Cluster
3. Communication

The Cookies/code is the easiest of all. All you need is to put the relevant codes in your websites and experts like Doubleclick or GA will takeover and decide whom to follow and whom not to

Cluster: How many of you actually make groupings based on the user and not basis the pages and categories? Working on a simple excel sheet for a day will give you more insights about user scenarios and the necessary outcomes for remarketing. Some off hand scenarios and outcomes could be:

Primary grouping:
- Browsed single category - Buy - No Follow
- Browsed multiple category - Buy - Follow minus bought category
- Browsed single category - No Buy - Follow (same items)
- Browsed multiple category - No buy - follow (multiple category)

You could also have more detailed groupings like:
Buy for self - Follow with associated category (based on usage) or relevance (based on demography)
Buy for others (gifting) - no follow

Clusters are to formed basis website analysis + buying patterns (Cart analysis) + normal user behaviour patterns (real life observations)

Communication: If your clusters are right, then the communication messaging can be easier.. Simple advice-  PERSUADE. Don't PESTER. Observe the real life salesman over-the-counters (OTC), how the speak, what they speak... translate it into your communication. It sells.

Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) are still high... That makes it doubly good reason to make your remaketing work harder for you. Remember, Remarketing ads are not supposed to be reminder ads (that i've visited a site), but an opportunity-to-convert (OTC) ads. They are your salesmen

All the best,



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