Why Delivery Through Drones Will Not Work in India

For past few days, I was busy tying up with a logistics fulfilment partner for my Ecom company www.celebstall.comI was also reading articles about how the drone technology will be used for commercial purposes. Google, Amazon, and many other players are working towards the last mile dash through drone delivery. In future, literarily, things will fall from the sky :) This made me wonder, can such a model exist in India?

India is never far behind, when it comes to replicating success of any such initiatives, especially those undertaken by Ecommerce / technology companies. But replicating the delivery through drones will be tricky. Here are few random reasons why I think it will not work in India

  • The drone might never reach its destination - wires, wrong address, stolen in mid air, bird attack, getting tangled in a kite thread
  • No place to land…especially in the metros .. There are no open spaces (most houses open to the main road) & access to the apartment rooftops are restricted or not permitted
  • Huge man power required… you will need a Drone Executive to follow the drone while it is on path. For every 10 Drone Executives, you’ll need a Drone Lead, for every 10 Drone Leads, You will need a Drone Manager, For every 10 Drone Managers, you’ll need a AVP Drone…so on, and so forth
  • The receiver can never call the drone and ask him to wait outside the locked door for 10 mins, while he/she is on their way
  •  The drone cannot accept cash on delivery
  • The consignee might just keep the drone for themselves

…and there could be many more reasons. Until such a time we find ways to overcome the above (pun unintended), the only delivery that can happen via ariel route is - the stork delivering babies

Images: gopixpic.com, shutterstock.com


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