Why we will soon own a second mobile phone

There are more than 4.5 Billion mobile users in the world. That is almost 60% of the world population. While the stats and market forecasters might predict a plateau in terms of the mobile sales, I think that the next billion in mobile sales will come from existing users picking up a second mobile phone.
I observe that many of my friends and relatives have already started carrying a second mobile phone. The common reason they give is that one is  the ‘official’ phone and the other is ‘personal’. (Note: ‘Official’ does not mean that it is a company owned phone). Meaning,  that the first phone is for all and sundry stuff like browsing, data, etc and the second number for calls and to be shared with important people. This behaviour is pretty similar to what most of us had experienced or done with an earlier technology innovation - Emails

When Hotmail started offering free web based email IDs and later Gmail with their unlimited storage, everyone who was online quickly went and created an email account. This email was then used for registration on various website. The databases got shared and spread and this meant that our inboxes were filled with mails, offers, and newsletters we don’t need or read. Then we all started creating the second email ID, which helped us organise our digital life better

As mobile users keep downloading more apps and also share the mobile information to different databases and companies. there will come a time, when all will be bombarded with spam calls and updates, similar to the spam and junk email updates. To bring order to this chaos, it will become necessary to create a separate and new identity for all things important and real. And the simplest solution is another phone to organise our mobile life better.

Technology and being connected is so important to us now, that we cannot avoid this. As the lyrics in the song Hotel California goes, “We are all prisoners here of our own device”


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