Management-ALLY :2

Every one dreams of a perfect job. An Utopian dream - where you have a happy job, a great company, good pay, great colleagues, no ‘Work’ and to top it all, a sexy Secretary. Well, I had such a dream. Yeah, that is right – I HAD.

After graduating in Business Administration from a non-discrepant University, where I had spent most of my waking hours in cafeteria and sleeping hours in the library, I passed out with the Utopian dream in my eyes. After the academic introduction to Management and all its glory, I was seeking my place in the Management world.

The rude shocker came soon, no job interviews for 2 months, none wanted a non-discrepant university grad as a Management trainee, it was the abode for the selected few – children of Bigger Gods – the big B-schools. I learnt my first lesson of Management in the real world – Compromise.

Since plan A failed to take off… it was time for plan B – get into the industry as a frontline executive and soon you can prove your worth and rise in the ranks and make it to the selected circle. I narrowed down to Media as my preferred industry. Well, I will attribute media as my career choice to friends I had during my college days… they were working as Journos and Sub-editors, and in their company, I used to get free booze and entry into the happening do’s in the town.. (free passes for Cricket match, Product launches, etc) yeah.. This is the industry I love to work.

Thanks to my network of senior friends I got into Circulation department… There I learnt that all I read in management books were meant to be for that – Read. Few months of early sunrise and late coffees I soon became confused and delirious. My job was simple… ring the bell, greet the person, and sell my newspaper. My time started around 6 AM with a visit to the newsagent (a distributor – in FMCG parlance) and then a visit to some of the residences in his area… to sell the newspaper. Well, talk about a job where you had time to enjoy the sunrise and smell the roses J

All said and done, life in circulation was an unhappy one. It was more of ‘push’ the product than ‘pull’ that used to work. The Newsagents were soon sitting on a pile of ‘unsolds’ that filled up rooms… the print order went up, the unsolds too… the management was unhappy that the sale increase was not good, the newsagents were unhappy that they had a lot of unsolds that will be billed and they will lose their revenue, the customers were unhappy that they were being disturbed in the mornings, and the I was unhappy because I still haven’t got a clue how to become a management trainee, in a corporate house.

After 18 long months in circulation, from delirious I was closer to become a lunatic. Time to move on… I decided that Management trainee was not for me… I found solace in the age old management saying

“If you don’t succeed the first time, try, and try again. Then give up. There is no use being a damn fool about it.”


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