On Leaving

It was a hard decision.

I wonder if there was any reason for me to leave a job that was satisfying and people who were helpful and an office that looked cheerful most of the time. I wonder, if it was greed. I wonder if the reason was that I was ‘bored.’ I wonder if the reason was that I am adventurous. I will never know.

The past one week I was wondering, what makes one happy ? No, I am not seeking for the ultimate truth that Buddha, or the other great souls searched for and found. I am a normal person with normal habits. My idea of seek and search starts and ends with Google J. Is happiness found in - A good job?, A good pay package?, Friends?, Drinks?, Home?, Children?.. I never know. Is happiness found in oneself? Then why bother about the rest. I will never know what will make me happy. At least not in this lifetime.

I look back at my colleagues at Ogilvy and Mather, with a sense of gratitude. They were one of the best lot. A happy bunch. Sometimes it amazes me how they can be so happy.
Me at Ogilvy, was like a ship in a harbor. Things looked calm and peaceful. Even if there was rough seas, I knew I was safe. But, then that is not why ships are built for. I need to travel the high seas and also, other ports of call.

Life, I am told, is full of opportunities. It is how you recognize them and how you grab them that will make what you are. Your ambitions, should be your guiding star. You may not reach it. But at least you will have a sense of direction.

How different will the new place be. Well, it is opening a new doc file. You can start typing what you want and start something new… or you can copy and paste what you have been doing previously and soon see a sense of familiarity. This soon breeds into boredom. And I have started my typing :)

Well, it was a hard decision. But it was a wise one.




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