13 reasons why your facebook account will be disabled


Thought I would share with you something I had read couple of days back.

I saw these 13 reasons your Facebook account will be disabled and
thought I'd share them with you for your consideration:

1. You didn't use your real name
2. You joined too many groups
3. You posted too many messages on a wall or in a group
4. You posted in too many groups, too many user's walls
5. You friended too many people
6. Your school/organization affiliation is doubtful
7. You're poking too many people
8. For advertising your app on wall posts
9. Using duplicate text in multiple messages
10. You are a cow, dog, or library
11. You are under eighteen years old
12. You wrote offensive content
13. You scraped information off Facebook

More details about the 13 reasons can be found on the original site, here:



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