Netboredom: The rise of Internet Boredom

You all might pretty soon hear about a new word : "Netboredom"


Boredom is something that we go through during sometime in our lives. "I'm bored." This phrase is something that you would have used a lot or heard a lot during your life. I am sure, you would remember in your childhood, that you would be aimlessly sitting or doing nothing in specific, and one of the first things you would tell the other person is " I'm bored."

A large number of us people, spend a lot of time on the Net - at work, at home. This number is growing day-by-day. Statistics show that we use the Net for - Mail, Chat, Search, Social Network and visit need related websites (Ecom sites, news sites, general interest sites, work specific sites, etc)... After a continued usage for few years your net usage would have a specific pattern.

However, there are lots of time, when you are on the Net, and you are bored...doing nothing specific... this is what i call "Netboredom."

Symptoms of Netboredom:

1) You have opened a new window in the web browser, and you are staring at the blank page (in case you do not have a default page)
2) You have gone to a common website (you usually visit) eg: Google, and keep staring at it
3) You Google your Granddad's name, to see if there is any result on him
4) You Google your own name (Ego Search)
5) You open your email, and read all the forwards, and spam mails
6) You start searching about frivolous stuff - "what gases forms a fart?" ( I actually found an interesting site, which was dedicated to Farts :))

What to do to avoid Netboredom:

1) You could write a stupid article like this, and keep updating your blog:)
2) You can press the power button and switch off the machine
3) You could create a netboredom community on Facebook or Myspace (Not a bad idea... I should be doing this :)



PS: In case, you know of any more Netboredom symptoms or remedy for the same, please let me know - Santosh


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