'Jai Ho' Congress Party

Following a tight pitch against local agency Crayons, Mindshare Delhi snapped the Indian National Congress (INC) media account estimated to be worth US$15 million.

The agency will be handling the political party’s electronic media campaign in the run up to the general elections to be held from 16th April onwards in stages.

Mindshare will focus primarily on TV and radio – reaching out to the ‘common man’ – which constitutes the majority of the voting population in the country.

The account is led by client leadership and will draw heavily on resources from the exchange teams at Mindshare.

“To be associated with a campaign that will help form the government to run the country for the next 5 years is a great privilege and honour. The entire country is talking about this campaign.” said Chirantan Chandran, partner of client leadership at Mindshare.

Also Congress Party has bought the royalty rights for the AR Rahman song - Jai Ho... This song would be used by the party during this polls. Will it bring 'Oscar' to Congress party is something that time will tell... until then they will be known as 'Scumdog Millionaires' :)




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