Will Facebook and Twitters of the web2.0 world kill classic blogging?

It has been quite a while since I have blogged here. Well the reason is not that I was so busy that I did not find that couple of hours every week to write.. it was not that I was exiled into the Gautamano bay, and had no access to internet… it is not even the fact that I was not active on Internet… in fact, I was never so active on the Net, ever since I first started browsing around 15 years back, as I was last 2 months.. then what stopped me from blogging??
Blame it on the new sexy babes in the online space – Facebook and Twitter. Since the time I got active on Facebook and Twitter, I hardly find time for any other thing online, especially writing at one go and blogging about 500 words of my thoughts. I am all over drooling over these babes and I have access to them from my mobile phone too.
Though the core feature offering of Facebook or Twitter is ‘Status Update’ it has transcended the update feature. People update their status, remark on others update, follow, write on walls, poke, gift, buy&sell, etc, etc, etc… thus it eats into every one’s internet time.
While the internet broadens day by day in terms of its offerings, and evolves from 1.0 to 3.0 versions of web, the user’s time has fairly remained static. The number of users is increasing – but how much has the average internet time of a user increased. The increase would have been at expense of time spent on other activities, but also now since the user has a lot of options on the net, the time spent on each option would have decreased, with the new options taking more of their time
Also the access to Facebook and Twitter through the mobile phones, is sounding the knell for more time intensive online activity like blogging, wherein the user best experiences it when browsing from a computer/laptop and also should be having access to the systems to type out around 500 words of their thoughts.
I am sure most of the fringe bloggers would soon fade away from serious blogging… and would he happy to type in a few lines called micro-blogging (phew… the next in thing could be micro-mini-blogging). Only a few would survive, and I want to be one of them.
I wish that my fancy for Facebook and Twitter are a passing phase, and soon would settle into low involvement in terms of time spent on these sites
In the meantime, I get back to my work; and hope that the classic blogging strikes back, and come with some innovative stuff


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