What ails Internet advertising in India?

Some random thoughts on what ails Internet advertising in India -

1) Internet advertising always comes as an after thought in client's campaign
2) few publishers control most of the traffic and ad revenue
3) Always have been sold on 'performance' parameter... branding was never considered as an option
4) In India Internet has been synonymous with 'Free' - even the marketers demand it
5) Penetration has been a perennial problem
6) cost per reach is still higher compared to other mediums
7) Tracking and optimizing the campaign is expensive... and client's mostly are not willing to invest or pay for the same
8) No standards - in rates, measurements - varies from publisher to publisher
9) success stories of internet advertising are by and far few & rare
10) Most restaurants (digital ad agencies) believes in the presentation (creative) not the cooking (science/strategy) of what they serve
10.a) Most of the online campaigns are half cooked dishes served to the client... and many clients complain about indigestion after their campaign :)
11) Most (clients and agencies) believe "what is West, is Best"
12) Only a few good men :)

Any more....add on...




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