User experience for Ecommerce sites - Behvaiour & Experiential

An ecommerce site design is the ultimate test for UX, because, unlike corporate websites or portals, the entire business model hinges on the ability of the website to sell the products it hosts.

Most website designs are built on the basic principles of - categorization, searchability, findability, relevance, cross-sell up-sell opportunities, product information, easy check-out etc. While these principles do hold good for successful design of any ecommerce website and are necessary, I think adding on 2 more components to your UX strategy would make the website design far more effective.

One is based on the basic human behaviour and the Second based on experiences in real life

Other than the fulfillment of a want or a need, we also shop to possess. Act of possession (for food, security) etc has been one of the earliest occupation of human societies. Some where down the lane, the division of labour happened, where men were predominantly working as Hunters & women as Gatherers. This primitive behaviour is so ingrained in humans, that its pattern can still be seen today in many of our modern day activities, including shopping. In an online user journey perspective, below could be the common route of purchase:

Male: Information >> Need recognition >> Confirmation>> Selection >> Conformation >> Purchase

Female: Information >> Need identification >> Exploration >> Forage >> Comparison >> Conformation >> Purchase

Basis this understanding, a website design/flow should be altered to depending on the kind of audience, you are reaching out to. Even a generic e-commerce website can have tweaks in their flow basis the product category and the target audience for that category.

One reason why shopping malls are thriving, is because of the experiential marketing. The joy and surprise of seeing a product (you always wanted) for a deal, strolling with friends and shopping together; while most cannot be replicated in the online space - like sipping a coffee, or watching a live band perform in the atrium; there are some things technology can bring in -

  • A surprise deal
  • Ability for friends to shop together
  • Chat with the salesperson (a specific time for a Google Hangouts)

The experiential marketing in ecommerce sites are best suited, where the target audience are females, and the products are based on ‘look’ factor - dress, fashion accessories, etc

Ecommerce companies can thrive only if they move away from selling through rational motives to selling through emotional motives. It is a daunting task. But doable.

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