The observations - foreign travel

Some things will never change. While I’ve tried to generalize most of it, some are specific to my recent travel (to Hong Kong) & to the country I belong (India)

  • Most flights going abroad departs at unearthly hours
  • All immigration officers grim and grumpy
  • You are always seated closest to the one who snores loudest
  • “Made in China” is cheaper in your home country than in China (HK)
  • Duty Free is cheaper in your home country
  • You find more reasons to love your home country when visiting abroad
  • You find more reasons to love the country you visited, once you are back
  • If shopping is on your list, winter is a bad time to travel
  • If touristy places are on your agenda (museums, entertainment parks, etc) then weekends are a bad time to be there
  • Your boarding gate is always the farthest
  • The sum of all your luggage weight is always less than what you anticipated
  • The cheaper the wifi connection, more the network problem to connect
  • A smile is an universal conversation starter

I’m sure there are many more... Let me know and I’ll keep adding it too



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