Online Video Consumption in India


Below is the report on online video consumption in India. This research was conducted by

1. Place

In India, 85% of consumption happens from offices. People who watch videos online log
in from their places of work. Streaming traffic starts going upwards from 10 am
onwards and peaks at around lunchtime and continues at a steady level up to 7 pm.
Post seven the traffic falls by about 20% and reduces to half around 11 pm.

2. NRI Traffic

30% of video consumption in a 24 hour window comes from Indians outside of India.
Streaming traffic picks up at around 1 am and goes on till seven in the morning.
Majority of the traffic from the US comes from the Bay area and New York.
Interestingly, Japan and Philippines figure in the top ten countries consuming Indian

3. Geos

76% of all video consumption happens from the top seven metros / mini metros.
Smaller centers like Chandigarh and Jaipur are beginning to show up with significant
traffic. Mumbai contributes 14% of the consumption, Delhi is at 12.5. Chennai is the
lowest at 6.5%. The reason for Chennai's lower consumption maybe related to the fact
that has a majority of Hinglish content

4. What kind of content is popular on the net?

Entertainment is the traffic driver; however serious content like documentaries and
short films also have an audience. The golden duration for video content on the
internet is 3.5 minutes. 50% of the audience drops off at the 5 minute level while
almost no one watches a segment that more than 10 minutes long, unless it is a
documentary / short film and the consumer is aware of the relevance / context.

5. Feeds – Content Sharing

Youth websites embed largely films and humour based video content, serious / topical
websites embed larger videos relating to social issues and also tend to embed short
films. Women centric blogs embed lifestyle, tarot, Astrology, cookery, beauty and
other related videos.

6. Time Spent

The hold times (time spent by a unique IP on a video) is about 12 minutes which is
understandable. Users have become innovative and pause the video just as it starts
and let the progressive videos buffer while they do other things only to come back and
watch the video once it is buffered.

7. Ad + Content

Standalone video ads develop a blind spot over a period of time. However ads that are
played along with a video content have better recall. Click through rates on content
supported video ads is as high as 30%.
On the international scene there have been a whole lot of developments including the
measurement of Online Video.


Anonymous said…
This is such a failing business model~~~i heared an inside news that they are not even able to pay their rent and other such bills~~~HAHA~~~this is what happens
when stupid people with no entreprenurial skills try to think that they are smart businessman~~~and they say that they pay you for showing off their content~~BULL****~~pay your bills first.
then pay your customers~~~i hope all the bloggers stay away from their content~~~i dont think they will be able to pay you~~~BEWARE~~~
Anonymous said…
haha. my friend had a simliar experience too. i better stay away from nautanki
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